Meet Goose. Goose is the newest addition to our family...Rachel begged Andy for months and he finally relented and let her have a kitten. We all love him (even Andy secretly loves this little guy...yes, Andy you do...admit it) and he has brought a lot of joy and laughter into our home already.
Now, Goose. Meet the washing machine.
I was doing laundry yesterday morning, and came into the laundry room with another load and found this little guy completely entranced by the spinning load of clothes and the flashing lights of the control panel. I laughed and walked back out to go get another load and after I came back, sure enough, Goose was still there completely in awe of what was before his eyes. This just made me giggle, and then full out laugh. It was so funny to see him so completely engrossed by something that I do and take for granted every day.
Then, it got me to thinking. What did I used to be fascinated or in awe of that I now take for granted?
In reality, this washing machine IS amazing. It allows me to simply put in a load of clothes, push a few buttons and then walk away...and then about 45 minutes later I come back to clean clothes ready to be dried. During that 45 minutes I can be working on other projects, reading a book, taking a nap, talking on the phone...or even blogging. :) It truly is amazing how much time this washer gifts me every day, and I just take it for granted. So yesterday I started noticing the little things that are amazing blessings in my life that I just daily pass on by.
I noticed the beautiful sun in the sky. It was a beautiful 60 degree November day and because of the sun, I was able to be outside, watching my kids play and enjoying my yard. I noticed my car. Holy cow! Without my car where would I be? Well, I wouldn't be out getting groceries or running up to the school to drop off something my kids forgot...or any of the other million things that I do every day with the use of my car.
I thought of how the clouds slowly drift by, and how long it has been since I've laid down on my back in the grass to watch them and to find imaginary animals and ships, and cotton candy in their shapes. I thought of my books, and how their adventures, and dramas line my shelves, awaiting me to open the pages and rejoin them for a few hours. I thought of my sweet family members, one by one, starting with my husband...and concentrated on picturing their faces in my mind until I could see them clearly. These amazing, fascinating, truly astounding people that I live with each day...yet some days allow them to walk on by without really noticing them. And I thought of prayer. I thought of my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, my Savior...and how often I take them for granted. Prayer is an amazing think that through prayer we can communicate with our Father, an omniscient and omnipotent being who truly loves and knows each one of us and who listens to us and misses us when we pass on by without using that choice way of communicating to check in.
All of these thoughts from one silly little kitten named Goose. And a washing machine...doing what it does...the same mundane task over and over and over again. So maybe those little things we do every day that sometimes seem mundane and unimportant really aren't all that mundane or unimportant after all.